Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Outside too!?


     Something HORRIBLE has happened! 
           Everything was going fine until that doctor appointment. So guess what they did. They wrote on my back with a pen and numbered where they were gonna stab me with a little spikey white bottle.  Each bottle had something in it that I might be allergic to. There were 25 spots they numbered on my back. Each time they poked my back, felt more and more like I was a lab protect. I mean I go to doctor appointments like 3 times a month. And I hate...no DESPISE them. They are just horrible. 

            So the spots were SUPPOSED to itch if I was allergic to whatever it was they put there. Of course they itched! They all itched! I had to sit 15 minutes with a terrible itch everywhere on my back. So they came back and checked all the numbers on the oil and matched them up on my back. All the ones that were red meant that I was allergic to it. So  apparently I'm allergic to outside! They said I'm allergic to citrus because of the pollen that sticks to it. WHAT!!!!!!! That eliminates another thing from my diet! I just feel like all I can do is huddle up in a clean corner and eat apples and bananas for the rest of my life!

            But now to loom on the bright side I don't have to do as much cleaning. I'm allergic to MOLD. which I think is so messed up. So I think I shouldn't have to do the dishes because they collect mold immediately. I know, I know, sorry to ruin dinner for you. Also I shouldn't have to dust because I'm allergic to dust. I can't do yard work because I'm allergic to grass. So I can only vacuum, clean windows/mirrors and do laundry. So actually these allergies might be an advantage. 

          But back on track, the doctor said corn is the least of my food allergies I have so I really don't have to be super, super careful about that one. But I still can't eat corn, or corn chips or corn tortillas or corn starch or corn syrup. She also said that we have to eliminate allergies one by one. So right now we are just eliminating wheat right now. But that still is hard for me. I mean a lot of the bread that's gluten free taste like something from outer space. But I guess things are turning up.
Here check out this allergy shot thing. It's super cool! Its about a shot that can take your allergies away! My parents are going to get me started on them soon I hope.