Saturday, October 10, 2015

Things Are Looking Up...this week anyway

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A week ago, my mom emailed my teacher about my blog. 
My teacher pulled me aside.
I thought I was getting in trouble but instead he told me that he LOVED my blog.
He told me that he wanted me to teach my class about blogging!
I still have much to learn but my mom has already taught me some, just enough that I could teach the class! Phew! It felt good to be able to teach other people about this.

I read my class my first post, which is all about my food allergies, and so now all of them know about it. At lunch, they all kept saying, "I feel so bad for you!', or "Can you have this or that?" They ask me if I can eat some of their food.  I am grateful for their interest, But I DON'T CHEAT ANYMORE!

Some of my best friends, not in school, try to hand me gum or candy. But I am getting better at politely telling them I can't have it. So now a lot of people know my allergies and I am grateful for that. They wouldn't have known that if I hadn't started a blog because I don't really want to talk about this any other way. My teacher wouldn't have asked me to teach the class, then I wouldn't be able to read them my post! 

I guess there is something good that can come out of hard things. (You mean my mom was right?)


P.S. There isn't anything on that school lunch tray that I can eat. Well, I could eat the salad without store bought salad dressing. I could eat the potatoes if there isn't anything that has corn starch or wheat in it. I guess I could eat any of that food if my mom made it all from scratch using special ingredients. But at school, I can't eat any of it. 

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