Saturday, October 3, 2015



It was 3 weeks ago. It was the end of the school day and BAM! out of nowhere came words out of my mom's mouth that I will always remember. "Lizzy, the test results came back with something we didn't have food allergies."

Ya at first I thought "Ok. That's fine. I can do this."

But its really NOT ok!

I am allergic to 

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At first I didn't know that those things are in EVERYTHING!

But seriously they are.

ESPECIALLY the corn.

Why? Because it is such a cheap crop, and corn syrup tastes so good to people.
Who would have guessed?
I take lunches to school everyday. I get bored of them sometimes. Sometimes I really get discouraged with it all. IT IS SUPER DUPER hard when it comes to things other people can eat but I can't. Sometimes I cheat and my friend gives me some of her school lunch. But that just makes it worse because then I don't feel good!

Did you know the government decided that if a food has sesame seeds in it, that doesn't need to be on the ingredients? Stupid! Right? So you have to literally CALL the company to know if they used sesame seeds! Seriously!

JUST wow. Sometimes I feel like I can't have anything!

So if you want to hear about how this keeps going for me then just keep on reading. Find out about what happened in my day. How hard it is with the food allergies and how I am learning to eat different foods. I am even eating food that I swore I would never eat. But hey, if I can eat it, I'm gonna eat it.

I promise you if you read this, you will see that something needs to change with food. You will love reading it. I promise!

Sincerely, Lizzy :)


  1. Rooting for you, Lizzy. I'm sure it stinks. But I hope it'll stink less and less with time. I can see you're a great spirit and a fighter. A good attitude will get you far.

  2. We absolutely love you lizzy! Be strong, we understand its difficult but if anyone can do it, it is you!! :)

  3. Hi Lizzy, we have a little granddaughter, 7 years old. She has had food allergies all her life. We also have to read all the labels. She is allergic to dairy, nuts, chocolate, eggs and many other things. She can eat some cereal but either uses soy milk or water. Her Mom makes her special cupcakes to take to birthday parties in her own special container. We wish you the best of luck in this new endeavor.

  4. Thank you guys. It means so much to me! love, Lizzy

  5. Lizzy you are brave and so awesome . I know you will be great example to others with food allergy problems.

  6. I love you and I'm proud of you Lizzy. I sure hope things will get smoother as you get into a routine. I always read labels so I can avoid high fructose corn syrup which is in catsup and most fruit juices and sodas. I also try to avoid aspertame which is in all gums, breath mints, diet sodas and other things. avoid margarines I'm glad you found out whie you can get into good habits.
